Tuesday 9 February 2010


Originally uploaded by melanie_in_texas

I went to a wedding this past weekend and wanting to look my best I decided to wear a pair of Spanx. I've had this pair for about a year. I can't remember the original occasion that they were purchased for, but they've been living in my drawer and thought I'd bring them out.

The thing about Spanx is that they're great in theory. They look like a pair of industrial strength biker shorts. According to the information on the website my Power Panties will help me to command attention in these confidence-inducing panties that combine the comfort of regular underwear, the feel of hosiery and the power of a shaper!

I would agree that they have power, especially since I bought them in the smallest size I could manage wiggle into. They are great, until you have to go the bathroom. Now they are crotchless, so you could go for a wee whilst wearing them. I've never been that brave.

Back to the wedding.

Things were going well until they started serving the champagne. After six modest glasses of bubbly I had a hard time holding it in and needed to visit the powder room.

This is where things get tricky. It's really a struggle to get the Spanx off when you're a bit tipsy. It wasn't easy, let me tell you and I thought if I was having this much trouble only an hour into the reception what was I going to when they served the wine with dinner? Not to mention the post dinner gin and tonics! I decided that the Spanx needed to go.
We'd have to part ways and so we did. They were removed and discretely hidden behind the plant in the ladies room and they were there the next day! I don't know if they were discovered or not, but for now they're back home in my drawer. Where they belong.

1 comment:

  1. "They are great, until you have to go the bathroom. "
    Exactly! LMAO at the thought of you taking them off and leaving them hidden in the ladies' room! Are you sure you're not brave enough for the crotchless ones?


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